Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Siblings = Your Own Personal Models

As a photographer, I'm convinced one of the many perks that God intended in giving us siblings was for the purpose of having an ever-constant model around with whom to practice our ever-growing photographic inspiration.

A few weeks ago I had this random idea pop into my head for a shoot with my sister, and much to my surprise, it took very little convincing for her to let me dress her up the way I envisioned and head out into the cold backyard. She was every bit a good sport, and though the hair/outfit isn't her normal look....I think she pulled it off STUNNINGLY.

The tree shots were the mental inspiration for this shoot, and I was SO happy with how they came out. It was an altogether very fun shoot that got my creative juices flowing when being stuck inside during the winter months can otherwise try to quench that.

So, here's to sisters who make for great models! :)

[To see more, go here.]


  1. I love the tree shot! that is so awesome! the bright pink lipstick was a nice touch :)

  2. a girl of the limberlost is one of my favorites. :) love this photoshoot!
