Monday, May 9, 2011

Marvelous Mondays | Return to Me, Pinterest & Starbucks Happy Hour

For a while now I've wanted to start a blog series that would allow me to share all the random things that I enjoy in life. This isn't an uncommon kind of series - several friends and bloggers I know do this. Many of them on the weekends, though (when, of course, you're happy to be released from work and free to think about and do lovely things). But, for me, sometimes I need that inspiration and happiness at the beginning of the week, when all of the impossibly-long to-do lists seem overwhelming and daunting and I'm just not sure I'll even MAKE it past Monday. If any of the rest of you are like me, then perhaps this new weekly series will be a welcomed pick-me-up for you, as it will be for me.

So, friends and readers, allow me to introduce "Marvelous Mondays"! I happen to really like alliteration (even in all of its cheesiness) and with an obvious play-off of my business name, I thought this would perfectly sum-up what I hope to do each Monday, from now on. And that is to simply show you things - ranging from potentially incredibly brilliant inspiration, to perhaps insignificant silly little knick knacks - that make my Mondays (and my life, really) feelmarvelous. There will never be any rhyme or reason to which things I choose to showcase, but that's what makes it so lovely. It's a way for me to let you all in on the many different aspects of things I love and appreciate in life.

So, without further we go! This week's Marvelous Monday items:


So, last night I tried to watch a movie that I'd rented from Blockbuster, but for some reason it would not play. So, Aaron and I resorted to watching something we already own, instead. After much debate as to what it should be, we settled on Return to Me. One of my all-time favorite chick flicks. I love watching favorite movies at random times, especially when you finish it still convinced of its remaining one of your favorites. Not only is there charming romance, there's Chicago-style hilarity via Jim Belushi and Bonnie Hunt. If you haven't seen this 11-year old gem, do yourself a favor and pop it in some evening when you want to laugh, cry and be swept off your feet.


So, I'm not exactly the first one to realize how awesome Pinterest is. In fact, I'm pretty late in catching on to it. I actually still haven't pinned much, but I lovvvve looking at all of the pretty things others have pinned, and it's certainly inspiring me to get better at it, myself. It's just such a brilliant concept to make digital inspiration boards SO easy. There are endless possibilities for designing themed boards and I'm pretty sure anyone, regardless of their interests, could get addicted to finding and pinning (or re-pinning) beautiful things.


I needed to run some errands, and it worked out perfectly that it happened to be between 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. I made a quick stop in at Starbucks and happily got a grande frappucino for half of its regular price. I haven't had a frap in a long time, actually, as iced lattes are my main go-to. BUT, let me just say that a new favorite is for sure a caramel coconut frap. I haven't tried their normal mocha coconut, yet, but I'm pretty sure it would be hard pressed to rival my own caramel coconut combo. I love those two flavors more than just about any others and it was the perfect afternoon delight on a warm, sunny Spring Monday. Go take advantage of Happy Hour while it lasts!

And that concludes this week's features. Hope you all enjoy what's left of this Monday and will check back in next week for more current favorite things. :)


  1. Love you idea of marvelous mondays! I'm so with you on Pinterest, I just blogged about it too actually haha. And starbucks happy hour! Holy goodness, how have I not heard of this! LOVE! Thank you for sharing!!
